SES spar european shopping centers

About Us


Developer, Center Manager, and Retail Real Estate Partner

SES Spar European Shopping Centers is a developer, builder, and operator of large-scale, mixed-use properties, with an emphasis on retail and services. SES currently manages 31 shopping locations in six Central and Southern European countries. In Austria and Slovenia, SES is the market leader in large-scale shopping centers.

As a service to external partners, SES also offers its know-how in the areas of project development, construction management, leasing of shop space, as well as asset, center, and facility management for shopping centers. Observing a holistic approach and high quality standards, SES creates customized, successful, and unique shopping destinations.

We embody the Spirit of Retailing, and it sets us apart. Our roots are in retail – and that is what shapes us. We are a subsidiary of the SPAR Austria Group, which, with its three corporate pillars, has enjoyed decades of success as a Central European retail group: food trade (SPAR, INTERSPAR), sporting goods (Hervis), and shopping centers (SES). We incorporate solid know-how in retail, and a special flair for the people who shop and work at SES shopping malls, into the design of a shopping center.

Urban Market Places With a Recreational Factor: The locations within SES’s portfolio comprise neighborhood centers and district centers, as well as mixed-use downtown quarters, supraregional shopping magnets, and a managed shopping street.

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Facts and Figures

Over 112 million visitors

In 2023, SES centers boasted over 112 million visitors.

3.32 billion euros

In 2023, retail partners at SES centers generated gross sales in the amount of 3.32 billion euros.

855,000 m² GLA

Attractive shop spaces at popular, urban, mixed-use shopping destinations, including neighborhood and district centers, supraregional shopping magnets and a managed shopping street

422 employees

A total of 422 employees work at the SES headquarters in Salzburg, at the country offices, and as part of center management teams.

1,800 retail partners

Shops, restaurants, and service outlets are pivotal to our success: from local heroes to internationally successful brands.


It’s about the people

People are at the center of our daily activities. We develop and operate our shopping centers for them – the visitors, consumers, and our tenants. We act sensibly and create places where people feel good.


The guiding principle for all our locations is: we create vibrant living spaces with the highest customer relevance.
Christoph Andexlinger
Chief Executive Officer

Vision & Mission

  • Professional in Local Supply

    Attractive grocery stores are a valuable anchor for any location. Together with pharmacies, bakers, hairdressers, flower shops, dry cleaners, and post offices, our centers form part of a reliable local supply network.

  • Our Goal

    Vibrant meeting places, featuring timeless, modern architecture and fashionable retail, restaurant, service, and entertainment offers that make life a bit more colorful.

  • Our Philosophy

    We aim to meet the requirements of our customers and retailers in the best possible ways. Commercial cities and regions benefit from the pull of our popular meeting places.

  • We Love Innovation.

    We live innovation, whether it’s about the shop mix and architecture, via new technologies, in our customer communication, or via urban facilities at our centers.

  • Established Retail Locations

    We develop centers in which retail has traditionally taken place and focus on locations in city centers.

  • Popular in the Regions

    We attach particular importance to integrating our malls into their environments and aligning them to the local requirements in a best possible manner. Local events and cooperations connect us to people.

  • Successful Together

    We want to be the Number 1 in the region. Urbanity, long-term partnerships, mutual trust and qualified investment decisions are at the heart of our strategy for success.

  • This is SES

    Step into the world of SES

International Award Winner

We are proud to set standards for the industry. SES and its centers have already won several national and international architecture, design, sustainability, transport design, and innovative marketing awards. Here are the most prominent awards at a glance:

Do you have any questions about SES?

You can find your contact person here.

Market research – Interview SES CEO Christoph Andexlinger

Interview with SES CEO Christoph Andexlinger